4 Reasons ALL Diets Work (Short Term) and 2 Ways To Actually Succeed (Long Term)

  If you know that your diet and lifestyle could use improvement, its likely that any diet you choose to go on will "work". "I've been doing the paleo / vegan / boiled cabbage diet for 2 weeks now and I've already lost 2 kilos - I feel great!" What is rarely spoken about is … Continue reading 4 Reasons ALL Diets Work (Short Term) and 2 Ways To Actually Succeed (Long Term)

How Stress Affects Your Weight – and Your Health

Chronic stress has physical effects on our bodies. Stress causes activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Symptoms include: Dry mouth Shallow or difficulty breathing Rapid heart beat Poor digestion, IBS Increased blood sugar Restlessness, anxiety, poor sleep Constipation   Plus a weakened immune system, increased inflammation, increased muscle tension, decreased libido, fatigue and even night sweats. … Continue reading How Stress Affects Your Weight – and Your Health

Protein Intake for Health and Weight Loss

Protein has been a popular topic of conversation amongst gym goers and dieters for quite some time now. In fact it's not uncommon that we have new clients come to us who haven't started exercising yet but have already been sold numerous protein and amino acid powders by the local supplement store to help them lose weight or … Continue reading Protein Intake for Health and Weight Loss