Stop Doing These 3 Healthy Things If You Want To Lose Weight

1. Buying sweet, grainy or fruit based breakfasts when you go out.

Quit the chia puddings, ditch the smoothie bowls (I never quite understood this cold fruit soup phenomenon anyway) and lose the granola and muffins.

Full. Of. Sugar.

Fruit based meals are high in natural sugars (still sugar I’m afraid) however many of these easy-on-the-eye breakfast options have hidden sugars too.

I once asked the owner of a local gym cafe what the recipe was for his chia puddings which were pretty damn tasty and sold like hot cakes.

The secret ingredient?

Agave syrup. Which is almost 90% fructose. Which your body sees and thinks yippee! I’ll hoover that up and store it for winter. (As fat.)

Instead: Choose a savoury breakfast like omelette, eggs, salmon, bacon and grilled veggies, and skip the ‘extra’ carbs and processed foods like hash browns and too many slices of sourdough.

2. Cancel your ‘cheap’ gym membership and put your treadmill on eBay.

You aren’t using them anyway.

Plus ‘chronic cardio’ scientifically sucks for weight loss.

(You want HIIT and weight lifting btw.)

Re-invest that cash into HEALTHY FOOD.

And if you suck at cooking, food shopping or staying on track, sign up to one of those delivery services that does half the work for you.

Take the path of least resistance and do what it takes to make the most important change of all – diet.

3. Stop doing nothing and join a GOOD gym. Stay with me here.

I will tell you over and over that exercise is unlikely to turn you into a weight loss machine on its own.

But together with a diet overhaul and the right support it’s a match made in heaven.

And a GOOD gym will give you the right support in the form of

  • Inspiring and knowledgeable coaches
  • New friends and a crew that positively reinforce your healthy changes because they’re doing them too (or better yet they’re pros at this health stuff)
  • A place to go where you can be continually motivated and inspired to chase your best life (because motivation doesn’t last)

So quit whinging about the cost of a small group training facility (or other fitness club that isn’t $3.95 per week) and INVEST the cash in CHANGING YOUR LIFE.

P.S. Most offer better cancellation policies than the big clubs anyway, so if you do leave (which you’re MUCH less likely to do in these smaller clubs) you won’t get stung with a year’s fees up front.

But remember, don’t get the chia pudding on the way out.

Check out our 28 day challenge for new members.

The good news? You can start any time!

Kelly Moriarty BVSc, Cert IV Fitness, Dip Nut, Cert Iyengar Yoga

Owner Green Body, Cardiff