Kelly eats…

2 days of food…

Day 1: Breakfast at home. Mushrooms, chopped silverbeet + 2 fried eggs in coconut oil with extra butter. Cup of organic black tea with milk.

Flat white with full cream milk in my keep cup on the way to work.

Lunch: Sardines or mackerel in tomato sauce, mixed salad. Banana.

Dinner: Cod-liver oil in kombucha. Homemade vegetable curry with cauliflower, sweet potato, carrots, chopped kale, pappadum.

During the day: Magnesium chews.

Day 2: 1/2 punnet blueberries + flat white with full cream milk in my keep cup.

Brunch at work: Frittata with 2 eggs, chopped greens, peas, grated cheese and avocado.

Vanilla protein shake + probiotic.

Seaweed rice crackers with full fat cheese + cup of tea.

Dinner: Cod liver oil in kombucha. Salmon with sweet potato and vegetables. Chocolate (amount to remain undisclosed!).

During the day: Magnesium chews.